First ever Lush experience & Haul

On the 6th March, I turned 22. On the 6th March, I went into Lush for the first time ever. As shocked as I’m sure you all are at my lack of blogger-esque lifestyle, I’m here today to share my first Lush experience and the products I picked up.

So I was in Lincoln for my birthday and as soon as I realised my hotel had a bath I told Josh that I just had to go to lush and buy a bath bomb. As we entered the shop, I was politely greeted by a lovely girl who was very chatty. She wanted to help me find something I would thoroughly enjoy and asked me questions about what colours/smells/textures that I was looking for. As I stood there a little bit taken back by all the questions I simply told her I just wanted one of these pretty bath bombs I see everyone raving about – but I didn’t fancy any glitter and I don’t like floral scents. She picked up a few and I gave them a sniff, and pretty much all of them were gorgeous. She also did a tester of a bubble bar and I was just amazed by it that I had to pick that particular one up!

Once I got back to my hotel I ran a bath instantly, I didn’t even think about taking photos for a blog post and I was gutted that this had slipped my mind. So obviously, I had to go back and pick up more so I could write this post and include some personal photos!

One slightly negative thing that I will mention about my Lush visits is that the employees were very overwhelming. On both occasions, I felt like they were trying to force me into buying stuff I wasn’t interested in so I had to find a million and one ways to politely decline what they were trying to force into my basket. There’s only so many times a girl can say “no thank you that’s not what I’m looking for” when being shown shower gels, bath oils and massage bars. I wanted a bath bomb and if I’d have been left to wander around at my own pleasure and give things a sniff, I would have found what I was looking for a lot quicker.

The first time I visited I picked up two bath products and a lip scrub, Josh also picked himself up a bath bomb. The second visit I picked up 3 more bath products for myself and two for my mum, so without any more rambling, lets get into the haul!


The Comforter bubble bar x2

This is the one that I saw in the tester, only the tiniest bit was used and it created so many bubbles and smelt insanely fruity and gorgeous that I couldn’t walk out of there without it. I purchased this one on both my first visit and my second. Josh also jumped into my bath after me when I used this one and says it was his favourite one.


Intergalactic bath bomb

I said I didn’t want any glitter and I got warned this one was like an 80’s disco, but I remember seeing how popular this one was and I admired everyone’s photos of their baths so I popped it into my basket regardless of the glitter. With the peppermint smell and neon colours, there’s no surprise this is so popular!

Butterball bath bomb

This is the one Josh picked up for himself and I must admit it smells incredible. Anything with cocoa butter is normally a huge winner so I was glad that he picked it up! Josh also said it made him feel softer than he’s ever felt before!

Bubblegum lip scrub

Honestly I only picked this up because over the years I’ve seen so many people raving about it. It was a little bit pricey for a sugar scrub I could make myself but it smelt beautiful – I’m a sucker for anything sweet smelling so I was sold!

Big Bang bubble bar

I have yet to use this one but I had to pick it up because of how good it smells and it’s vibrant colours. It has a combination of grapefruit oil and avocado butter so I’m sure it’s going to create luxurious bubbles that smell like some sort of smoothie!

The Experimenter bath bomb

I’m a little sad because this one got labelled as Intergalactic so on the photo the Intergalactic one is actually this one. I’m pretty certain this is another of the really popular ones, with the mix of gorgeous colours, vanilla scent and the added extra of popping candy this is a top contender.

Rose Jam bubbleroon

One of the two I bought for my mum. She loves floral scents and rose is a favourite of hers so I just had to pick this one up for her as it was her birthday on 9th March. She’s yet to receive it because she’s on holiday but I’m sure she’ll love it!

Mum bath bomb

I couldn’t go in there to buy for my mum and not pick up the one that said mum! This one has lemon, sweet orange and rose hints so again, so it’s very up her street. I left these two unopened in photos so my mum could open them herself.


What are your favourite Lush products that I should try? Do you think Lush employees can be a little bit overwhelming or am I alone with that?

Love, Ashley x

41 thoughts on “First ever Lush experience & Haul

  1. wartsandallonline says:

    You got so many good things for your first try! I love lush but it can get a bit addictive.

    The store assistants can be a bit full on, I just avoid all eye contact when I can’t be bothered with the sales pitch.

    Great haul! And happy belated birthday 🙂 xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • ashlexyz says:

      Thank you! I went in all guns blazing and got completing stuck for choice so I’d love any recommendations!

      I tried avoiding eye contact and being short with my answers but they wouldn’t leave me alone! It wasn’t too bad but let a girl shop!

      Thank you lovely x

      Liked by 1 person

      • wartsandallonline says:

        I know they can spot a customer I mile off 😂 I really like their skincare, I use vanishing cream moisturiser, angels on bare skin cleanser and mask of magnamity is AMAZING. As for bath products I usually just go on what smells nice 🙈 xo


  2. Miss Alicia's Blog says:

    Great post. Happy belated birthday. I love the experimenter bath bomb, its only of my all time favourites. The intergalactic bath bomb is stunning too. I always tend to go for the darker bombs with glitter. The lush staff in Dublin are really cool I have to say they know not to be over the top but helpful and friendly. personally ott sales assistants prevent me from going back to a store as it makes me too anxious

    Liked by 1 person

    • ashlexyz says:

      Thank you! I loved both of them but probably the experimenter tops it purely because intergalactic made me feel really cold even when in a hot bath because of the peppermint! I didn’t think I’d like the glitter but it was as I was imagining it to be. I totally get what you mean about it making you anxious – that’s exactly how I was feeling, I just wanted to run away but I had already committed myself to a bath bomb! x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Caroline says:

    Dragon’s Egg is my current favourite bath bomb, it’s orange and citrus-y, and I love Northern Lights but I think that was a Christmas exclusive.

    I quite like them being so chatty, but I am quite a chatty person. I’ve got to know the staff in my local store well enough now that I get free samples sometimes!

    Liked by 1 person

    • ashlexyz says:

      My boyfriend saw that one and he was cracking (pun intended!) up at it but I was too set on some of the others! Maybe next time I’ll have to go for that one! I’ve heard of Northern Lights, I remember it looking beautiful in photos!

      I like them to be chatty but when they found out it was my first time visiting a store they were just trying to sell me everything! It was so unnecessary and made me want to just run out of there! I don’t have any local to me but that’s so lucky to get free samples! That’s a dream haha. X

      Liked by 1 person

    • ashlexyz says:

      I absolutely adore what they stand for. It’s so nice to see a brand that’s absolutely against animal testing and anything unethical! I just wish their staff would relax a little bit! x


    • ashlexyz says:

      I definitely think I chose a good one with the comforter – everyone seems to really like that one! I was hypnotised by intergalactic, especially when I find put it in the bath, it was so gorgeous! x


    • ashlexyz says:

      Even if you don’t have a bath tub, I would recommend buying one or two just to leave in your bathroom! They give off the most gorgeous scent that seems everlasting! They also do soaps and shower gels etc so I think I’ll dive into them next! x


  4. hilarice says:

    Happy belated birthday love! And I understand your first experience completely. It can be a little overwhelming. But overall I love the store, but mostly the products haha. My fav is probably intergalactic or dragon egg bath bomb , so pleasing to watch! Lovely post. X Larice

    Liked by 1 person

    • ashlexyz says:

      Thank you! It was incredibly overwhelming to say the least, thank god my boyfriend was with me or I’d have probably had a melt down. I’ve heard a lot or great things about Dragon Egg so I might have to pick that one up next! x

      Liked by 1 person

    • ashlexyz says:

      The comforter is insane! Bright pink bath water, lots of bubbles and a gorgeous smell! The sugar scrubs looks super cute and taste amazing, I force my boyfriend to use it! x


    • ashlexyz says:

      That was one of the biggest selling points for me. I’m trying to transition myself into cruelty free so I guess this is a good start! I’ve heard great things about Honey I Washed The Kids so maybe that’ll be next! x


    • ashlexyz says:

      The staff really are lovely but I just wanted to have a look around which is pretty impossible to do when they’re breathing down my neck trying to sell me anything and everything! The products are definitely worth it though! x


  5. linda cameron says:

    Welcome to the world of lush!!! I agree it can be overwhelming, sometimes I buy online just so I can have a proper browse on my own without being swarmed on by the employees hahah. The comforter is one of my faves too! It lasts so long I looooove it. You’ve made me want to hop into a bath right now but not before picking up some more lush bits. I’ve not seen the Big Bang bubble bar before but the avocado butter sounds perfect for soft skin mmm!

    Linda |

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Courtney says:

    Absolutely love lush products! I always say the same about going into my local store about the colleagues being super eager, I would much rather be left alone to look myself haha however intergaltic was definitely my favourite bath both! If you’re looking for a good face mask, cupcake is a really good one! X

    Liked by 1 person

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