An insight into my bucket list

I was going to post a long “bucket list” list until I realised that a good proportion of my bucket list is to visit lots of countries and do lots of things within those countries (for example, in Iceland I would love to see the Northern Lights and visit the Blue Lagoon). I’m going to save the countries and experiences for another time, so for this blog post I will be sharing a few of my more personal and unique things on my list. I didn’t realise how many things I actually wanted to do until I starting writing them up in a list and now I’m incredibly excited to get started ticking things off my list!

Go on a Safari

I’ve wanted to do this since I was a kid, it’s something my dad said he was going to do with me so I’m hoping it’s still something we can do one day!

Visit Auschwitz

When I was in school, I loved my history class. Honestly, I’m really not that educated on historic events but the holocaust is something I’ve always been interested in. This has also been on my list for as long as I can remember!

Plant a tomato tree in memory of my Grandad

Pretty self explanatory but my Grandad loved his garden and greenhouse. I would love to plant a tomato tree, one of his most beloved trees, in memory of him when I have my own home.


Open a cattery / cat hotel

You know them places that people take their cats when they go on holiday? I’d love to own one! Is there any better job that caring for cats? I can’t think of one.

Donate my hair to a cancer charity

Cancer is something that has effected my family quite a lot therefor I would love to eventually build up the courage to chop my hair and donate it.

See a psychic/clairvoyant/a medium

Okay honestly, I’d have to do more research into each of these – which one is the one that claims they can receive messages/talk to people that have died? And which can ‘predict future events’ etc? Either way, I would love to see them.

(Although, please do let me know which is which and who does what in the comments!)

Look into my ancestry

Who doesn’t want to know as much about their family history as possible? Turns out, my dad. But I find it so interesting an can’t wait to dive further into family history!

Eat at one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants

Josh & I are a little bit obsessed with Ramsay and it’s definitely something I want to do with him on a date or anniversary one day. It would be really special to us!


Make a difference and raise awareness about mental health

I can’t even begin to explain the importance of raising awareness about mental health. As someone that receives negative comments from members of my family about my mental health due to their lack of knowledge on the matter is astounding. If I can make the smallest difference to ending the ignorance surrounding it, I would be happy.

Go to a rescue centre and adopt the cat that’s been there the longest

Them poor old cats that always get overlooked and ignored because they’re old or they’ve got an illness, a missing ear or whatever the reason may be that they don’t get adopted. Don’t worry, buddy. I’m coming for you one day!

So there we have it. These are some of the most personal things on my bucket list. Before writing this up, I didn’t realise how interested in history I actually am – whether it’s my family history or actual historic events, I should definitely look further into this new love I have found! One thing I’m not shocked about is the amount of times something relating to cats comes up. Currently, I’m living at home with my parents who have 6 cats, me and Josh have 3 cats and we have another cat that’s actually the neighbours cat that decided he wanted to move in with us – so we’re pretty cat crazy! I find cats are so underappreciated and they really deserve so much love, so I have made it my mission to share the love with the cats that need it the most!

What are so of the things of your bucket list? Is your list more experience based or materialistic? Let me know!

Love, Ashley

64 thoughts on “An insight into my bucket list

  1. Kayleigh Zara says:

    I’m currently growing out my hair to donate to the little princess charity, or wanted to do it for years and so I’ve decided to do it. I love everything on your list it’s so thoughtful and opening a cat hotel would be amazing x


  2. anoceanglimmer says:

    Woow! A lovely list, there’s been a lot of thought gone into all these. I hope you manage to achieve them all! Especially raising awareness for Mental Health, I believe there needs to be more of that. I wrote about some things I would love to achieve in 2017, I’m just focusing on this year as it’s going to be a pretty special one, I would love for you to check it out!

    Gemma |


  3. Zoe Jackson says:

    Ooh I love your bucket list, I really want to see a medium for sure, some of my family members have and they all have come out shocked. A safari sounds like so much fun too. I’d imagine my bucket list would be small and have not much on it 🙂


  4. lifeasloismay says:

    These sound like great goals, I hope you achieve them all! It’s inspired me to create my own bucket list and hope to achieve them one day! Good luck,
    Lois x


  5. Sophie says:

    My bucket list is mainly travel based :’) but have many ‘life milestones’ on it too now, graduate, live/work in Japan, do more for charity etc 🙂

    Also I hope you get to Auchwitz, it’s a sad experience but I feel as though it should be done once xx


  6. Diondiane says:

    I’ve always wanted to visit Auchwitz, a lot of people question that but I think it’s so important to visit important parts from history, especially with what’s going on in the world today!x



  7. Emily says:

    These are all such fantastic goals! Every time I’ve been in Vegas, I’ve eyed up Gordon Ramsey’s restaurants, but have yet to try one.

    Definitely donate your hair! I’ve done it a few times now and no matter what you might think right after you’ve chopped it, it ALWAYS comes back!!



  8. pinkiebag says:

    Hi, you’ve got some great things on your wish list. I would also love to see the northern lights. I’ve been lucky enough to visit Gordon Ramsey’s steak house in Vegas it’s worth the visit. I love the idea of donating your hair, it’s something I’ve not thought about until reading your post, Chloe #TeacupClub


  9. Maria says:

    Love your list! One of my top things to do would be to visit Auschwitz! I actually did visit the camp but was too young and not allowed in so v gutted about that. Hopefully we’ll both get to experience that in the near future! xx


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